While the major focus over the past few weeks has been the install of the floor in the museum’s shop, other progress has been made across the museum. Here are some photos of other work that has taken place over the past two weeks.
Progress has continued on the interior restoration of NYC #2567. Museum volunteer, Joel Shaw, paints a window surround. Once the surround is dry, the interior gasket is reinstalled and then the reglazed window module will be permanently reinstalled in the car. Nearly all the windows on one side of the car has been prepped, painted, and windows permanently installed this fall.
The museum has acquired an RTO Cummins diesel to replace the damaged engine in ex-Rochester Gas & Electric GE 45-tonner, #1950. The engine was just delivered and was soon placed in storage out of the weather.
With our dual museum operating season over, it was time to address some track work. Two of the switches in Industry yard along with the switch on top of the hill that allows access to the museum’s shop have seen both tie and ballast work over the past two weeks. This work builds on previous work done a few years back.
With stone coming in for the trackwork, additional ballast was also brought in for sub-ballasting for the recently excavated extension to the museum’s Empire State Express siding west of the LA&L. Some of it can be seen spread here in anticipation of track installation as the Rochester weather permits.