On June 30, 1956, the last passengers were carried on the old Rochester Subway. Please join us as we remember the Subway with special displays of photographs and artifacts, including the “Casey Jones”
inspection vehicle which once made regular rounds in the tunnels under
Broad Street. Help us raise awareness for the restoration of Car 60,
the sole survivor of the Rochester Subway fleet currently in the
collection of the Rochester & Genesee Valley Railroad Museum. RGRTA
will have their restored 1956 transit bus on display as well, where
visitors can learn more about the past and future of Rochester’s mass transit.
Enjoy a
2-mile round trip trolley ride connecting to a vintage diesel train,
linking the New York Museum of Transportation (NYMT) with the Rochester
& Genesee Valley Railroad Museum’s country depot and railroad
equipment collection. Ride the only combined trolley and train operation
in New York State! Ticket includes admission to both museums. No
reservations needed. Adults $10.00, Youth (3-17), Seniors (65+) $8.00. Visit RochesterTrainRides.com for details!