Clean-up continues… The Rochester & Genesee Valley Railroad Museum has been working hard to tidy up around the museum. Part of this project has been sorting through our holdings of track parts and scrapping out those parts that are no longer usable. Volunteer, Jeremy Tuke, hauls one of the filled scrap bins by the restoration building using the museum’s Ford forklift to position it for pick-up.

Grading… With the rail yard installed north of the R&GVRRM’s restoration building, it is time to start grading south of the building for additional track installation. Volunteer, Joe Scanlon, is at the controls of the Huber-Warco road grader as he works the dirt south of the building.

Time to sleep… With freezing weather looming, it was time to put the museum’s larger, water cooled locomotives to bed for the winter. Here Eastman Kodak Company #9 is having its coolant water drained into its winter storage tank. With a few other small items to do, the locomotive will be set to weather the cold Rochester winter.

Engine side cover fabrication… As part of the continued restoration of Plymouth Model BL #1, new engine side covers are being fabricated to match the what the engine would have had originally. Here is one of the new panel frames made of pressure treated wood set into place on the engine for final fitting and hinge installation.

Switching… To reposition some of the museum’s cars closer to the restoration building to work on them, a switch crew was assigned to work the restoration building north yard with USA #1843. Here they are moving over to Track 8 to drop off the museum’s N-5C caboose, PRR #477822, prior to making some additional moves.