The Rochester & Genesee Valley Railroad Museum is always looking for new people to join us and help us run our railroad. We are always in need of crews to help us operate our diesel powered trains, the trolleys of the New York Museum of Transportation, and our track cars. So if you were interested in learning how to operate real railroad equipment and do it safely, the first step is to attend our 2010 Book of Rules classes to be held this spring.
New for this year, we will have joint R&GVRRM/NYMT rules classes for train, trolley and track cars. Whether you are already a member of the museums’ operating departments or you are a new member of either museum or either operating department, you are required take this class in order to be able to operate.
We are have two more sessions of the same class on April 18th and May 9th. You are only required to attend one of the classes. The next two sessions will be held in room A-400 (basement) of the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Wallace Library (Building 5) from 9:00AM to 12:30PM. The Air Brake and Train Handling class will follow from 12:30PM to 5:00PM, and is required for anyone whom wants to be a Conductor, Fireman or Engineer. The best option for parking is in U Lot located on the south side of the RIT campus. Maps can be found here.
If would like to attend or if you have questions, please contact us. Space is limited in each class so please contact us as soon as possible if you want to insure a spot.
Thank you, and we hope you will consider joining the Rochester & Genesee Valley Railroad and the New York Museum of Transportation in 2010 to help us operate our trains, trolleys and track cars!